Внутренние труборезки используются для резки труб НКТ, обсадных труб, бурильных труб и могут применяться на насосных штангах и лифтовых колоннах малого диаметра.


Internal Cutters are used to cut tubing, casing, and drill pipe and may also be run on sucker rods and macaroni strings. These mechanically operated cutters permit alternate sizes of pipe to be cut when redressing an assembly. All Internal Cutters feature a device that permits the operator to set the cutter to any depth, release the tool, and reset it to another depth without coming out of the hole. Each cutter is designed to cut a given range of tubing when dressed with correctly sized components. Collar finders are also available for each size.


Internal Cutters consist of either a wiper block or drag spring assembly for setting in the pipe. Slips and a cone assembly anchor the cutter. A main spring aids in maintaining uniform feed to the knives. Knife blocks drive the knives upward and outward to engage the pipe. Pre-cision ground knives easily cut the pipe.


After the cutter has been lowered to desired cutting depth, anchor the cutter by slowly rotating while continuing to lower. This will set the slips and allow the mandrel to travel down under the knife blocks. The knife blocks will force the knives up and outward to engage the pipe so the cut can be made. Apply minimum weight while slow rotation (8 to 18 rpm) of the work string is continued. Cutting is best accomplished by slacking off in increments while making the cut. Lack of reverse torque and free rotation of the work string will indicate that the cut has been made.

When ordering, please specify:

(1) Name and number of assembly or part (2) Size of pipe to cut
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